This page contains links to international news items featuring The Hive Honey Shop, as well as news and updates on courses, features and promotions

July 18, 2011

Imagine Looking Up And Seeing 50,000 bees!!

Residents in Wandsworth SW11 were shocked and suprised when walking out of their flat and looking up to see 50,000 buzzing bees just inches above their heads!
Time to call The Hive Honey Shop!!

For the past 25 years James and his group at The Hive Honey Shop have been rescuing bees without harm and relocating them to the peaceful countryside where they can live out their lives safe from injury.

" We work with the public and ask that they contact us if they have any bee problems. We have been campaigning for years about the need to protect bees & butterflies. We are continuously in talks with councils and pest control companies asking that they adopt a -NO KILL Policy. Happily we can report that our efforts are paying off, word is spreading and many companies have come on board, refusing to kill bees, passing on the referrals to beekeepers instead. We are so relieved to hear this and will continue to work hard in educating Londoners and the rest of the UK about the importance of safeguarding our bees."

The bees in the photos were carefully removed and rehoused. The flat owners had only just moved in that day. They went out to get a paper, returned and there they were. They were very happy to say goodbye to us and the bees.

photo copyright 2011 ©-The Hive Honey Shop

July 06, 2011

Beekeeping Course was a Great Weekend!!

Wow what a wonderful turn out for the last of our Beginners Beekeeping Courses 2011. It was fully booked and the weather was fantastic! The Sunday practical hands on beekeeping day was perfect, sunny and warm! The open air BBQ, sitting in the orchard of Bee Heaven Farm was ideal.

James our veteran beekeeping course instructor said," The students were wonderful, a real delightful mix from all walks of life. They were all really interested in finding out about what it takes to keep bees, and I am delighted to say they all passed with flying colours! Not one of them were intimidated by the 30 beehives on site with 60,000 bees per hive. They jumped right in after I showed them the proper way to open and operate a beehive. It was a splendid weekend and they will all make really great beekeepers, while helping to support our UK bee population. Well done to you all!"

One of the students emailed us:

I wanted to say how wonderful the course was. I never expected to learn so much in such a short amount of time. The course was fun, informative and, best of all, taught by someone who has a clear passion for what he teaches. James, it was awesome! Thank you so much for everything!


You can sign up now for the 2012 Beekeeping Course. We take bookings now as we limit the maximum number of students to 10 per course. Have a look at the Products pop down menu>Beekeeping Courses for more details.

photo copyright 2011 ©-The Hive Honey Shop